Köln 2 Day Workshop

Köln 2 Day Workshop
Daniel nimmt sie mit auf eine Reise in die faszinierende Welt der Porträtfotografie.
Datum: 6th + 7th Juli 2019 (Wochenende)
Studio: Köln, Ehrenfeld @KurtzFilm Studios
Zeit: 8.30 - 18.30 2 Tage
Gebühr beinhaltet: Ein leichtes Frühstück, Mittagessen, Kaffee, Tee, Süßigkeiten usw., Beinhaltet nicht: Abendessen, Flug, Unterkunft oder Transport
Wichtig: Mit der Buchung dieses Workshops stimmen Sie den Workshop-Bedingungen zu. Bitte machen Sie sich vor der Buchung mit der AGB-Vereinbarung vertraut.
Wir lassen nur 12 Teilnehmer zu diesem Workshop zu. Reservieren Sie noch heute Ihren Platz
sold out
This workshop is an intensive hands-on 2 day of Shooting and Retouching Portraits and Headshots. Perfect for photographers that are wanting to expand their portfolio and knowledge on studio photography, from hobbyist photographers with basic knowledge of studio photography to seasoned professionals.
Lighting Workshop
All day shooting with 3 models (1 male, 2 female & Hair and Makeup Artist )
- 4 lighting set ups
- Studio & natural light
- Seeing & Modifying Light
- Using Natural reflectors
- Daniel’s explanation as he sets up
- Think like an Artist, Be a Creative Force
- Men's Lighting VS Woman's Lighting
- How to use 1 Light like a Professional
- How to use Multi-lighting
- Learning how to use light so you don’t need Photoshop to make your image pop
- 3 professional models (1 male, 2 female, mua)
- Hair and make-up artist
- How to find the right Hair and Makeup artist and communicating during a shoot
- How to make your client feel at ease during a shoot
Retouching Workshop
Retouching images from the shoot. Bring your laptops and tablets to follow along!
Part 1
- Insight into Daniel’s entire editing workflow
- Introduction into Color management
- Developing the raw (and why it is just as important as what you do in Photoshop)
Part 2
- Basic clean up methods
- Quality skin retouching
- Local Dodge and Burn
- Frequency Separation
- How to get rid of glare in glasses
- Advanced Hair Retouching
- How to deal with Flyaways
- Necklines
- Underarms
- Retouching Eyes
- Unify skintones & Fixing Tan Lines
- Fixing wrinkles in Clothes
- Global Dodge and Burn (shaping the image with light and dark)
- Liquify
- Color and Tonal Adjustments
- Web Output settings
- DSLR Camera, mirrorless, or medium format digital camera
- A decent Portrait Lens (85mm, 100mm or 50mm prime/24-70mm recommended)
- Spare Memory Cards
- Spare Battery
- Camera manuals
- A decent Tripod if possible
- Notepad & Pen
- A laptop to work on files, shoot tethered, take notes, transfer files, etc.
- You may also want an external hard drive or flash drive on hand for file transfers.
- A retouching Tablet (Wacom) and or Mouse (tablet highly recommended)
- Images will be requested from you in advance to showcase each students portfolio on a keynote.
- All participants will get a chance to have their laptop screens properly color calibrated with an X-rite i1 Display Pro.
- We will be giving away an additional 1on1 session with Daniel to 1 random lucky participants of our 2 day workshop.
- 1 lucky participant will also be able to win a 1on1 Portfolio Review with Daniel.
- We strongly believe that each and every photographer should have a killer portrait of themselves. Therefore each attendee will get a personalised Portrait taken by Daniel.
- We strictly only allow 12 participants to these tickets.
- Lunch and refreshments included along with a light breakfast.
- Images taken during the workshop can be used for social media, website and portfolio use!
08:30 - 11:00 Lecture
11:00 - 11:30 Panel Q&A with Hair and Makeup Artist
11:30 - 12:30 Demo of 4 Lighting setups
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:30 Student Shooting
15:30 - 16:00 Change Setups
16:00 - 18:30 Student Shooting
18:30 - 20:00 Optional Group Dinner

- If you cancel your enrolment in a workshop more than 2 weeks before the course start date, you will refunded 50% of your deposit/full payment. After this date, the deposit/full payment is non-refundable.
- If your remaining deposit is not paid by the due date stated, you will lose your place in the workshop unless you have made prior contact with us.
- If your Payment Plan is not completed prior to workshop commence, you will lose your enrolment for the workshop.
- If your payment is rejected during your Payment Plan, this must be rectified prior to workshop commence.